Recruit, Train, Deploy

Our Associate Consultants work with our clients to deliver technology solutions to market. We find the best talent, train them in a range of technology, processes and tools that meet the needs of our clients, and then work with them to integrate them into suitable projects and teams. We work with clients to provide bespoke solutions around recruitment, training and ongoing support.

  • Recruit

    We work with you to recruit the best trainees that meet your requirements. Hired as CTA employees, they are picked out specifically to work in your teams

  • Train

    Full time intensive training covering areas such as Agile, Quality Engineering, Test Automation, source control, DevOps, OO design, and CI/CD

  • Deploy

    At the completion of their Academy courses, our Associate Consultants are assigned to work on your projects

  • Progress

    Working in collaboration with our clients we continually monitor the progress of our consultants and shape additional training around both the needs of the trainee and the client

  • Transfer

    At the end of the Academy programme the client has the option to employ the Associate Consultant on a permanent basis

Our ‘Recruit, Train, Deploy’ model in action

Here’s how we’ve supported an organisation in the retail industry with the ‘Recruit, Train, Deploy’ model:




A Retail company was embarking on an equality and diversity initiative that required them to invest in an emerging talent pipeline that focussed on providing opportunities for disadvantaged and underrepresented people. With a range of vacancies across development roles, and an expectation that the number of unfilled vacancies would grow over the next two years, the company required a more predictable talent solution when compared to the traditional recruiter based approach.

The company partnered with Corecom Technology Academy CTA to identify, train, and embed people across a range of roles and disciplines. CTA worked with the company to recruit the right people with the right aptitude and attitude for the company. CTA then identified the key technology, tools, and processes being used across the company in order to create a training programme that provides the skills and knowledge required for junior developers and testers, and a number of business analysts. CTAs Associate Consultants were embedded into the company’s teams and provided with ongoing support and learning opportunities.

The Associate Consultants provided value to the project delivery teams quickly, working with the company’s existing experienced staff and CTAs support structures to ensure they were continually upskilled where required, were happy and supported in their projects teams, and had structured development plans to help them plan out their short, medium and long-term futures.

 The company increased diversity in their teams, provided opportunities for underrepresented people, and have ultimately created a predictable talent pipeline where new people can join the team in a supported and managed way.

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Recruit, Train Service

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